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WSHA News, Legislative Updates, Other News, and Student Spotlight

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  • 22 Aug 2022 9:00 AM | Anonymous

    The WSHA Board of Directors is honored to be able to continue supporting speech-language and audiology professionals by offering an early bird discount for members who join or renew by October 31, 2022.With this discount, regular members pay only $99 for WSHA membership! For your convenience, we have updated invoices to reflect the early bird discount.

    We’re also pleased to extend an additional year of complimentary membership to our Recent Graduates . This means all early career professionals in their first year following graduation receive all the benefits of WSHA membership at no charge. Recent Graduates in their second- or third-year following graduation can take advantage of the reduced member rate of $75.If you’re new to WSHA, register via the WSHA website and indicate you are a Recent Graduate.

    We’re making plans for in-person Workshops, Virtual Town Hall Meetings, and Virtual Happy Hours to share important updates and resources as they become available. Visit the WSHA website for more information on the WSHA You Knew Webinar Series! These webinars are complimentary for WSHA members so join today to take advantage of this excellent opportunity!

    If you haven’t been a member of WSHA in the past, don’t wait JOIN TODAY!! Visit or email (not .com) for more information. If you have any questions, please email (not .com) – we’re here to help!

  • 19 Aug 2022 9:00 AM | Anonymous

    WSHA Virtual Business Meeting
    August 24, 2022
    12:00 - 1:00 PM

    Join leaders within the Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology professions to learn more about the benefits of WSHA membership, WSHA advocacy efforts and activities that influence your practice, the rewards of being a WSHA volunteer and the skills you could gain through volunteer leadership. An update on the state of the association will be provided. (This meeting is in place of the business meeting that takes place during the in-person convention).

  • 18 Aug 2022 9:00 AM | Anonymous

    The DSPS is currently experiencing delays with licensing certain professionals within the State of Wisconsin. WSHA can assist. If you're experiencing delays in application processing, please complete this form. WSHA will compile and submit to DSPS on a weekly basis. WSHA will work with DSPS to expediate and troubleshoot application delays.

  • 5 Aug 2022 9:00 AM | Anonymous

    We're currently seeking nominations for the WSHA Awards. This is a great opportunity to recognize your colleagues for the great work they're doing. Please review the awards here and submit your nomination today!

  • 26 May 2022 9:00 AM | Anonymous

    The Wisconsin Speech Language Pathology and Hearing Association (WSHA) concurs with the sentiment of the American Speech Language and Hearing Association (ASHA) and sends its most sincere condolences to those involved in and affected by the senseless tragedy in Uvalde, Texas. We stand with our school-based members, education professionals, children, and their families and continue to monitor local, state, and national legislation which aims to support the safety of those learning and working within our schools.

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The Wisconsin Speech Language Pathology and Audiology Association is pleased to provide a variety of resources that we hope will be helpful to WSHA members and consumers.

If there are additional resources you would like to see included in this section of our website, please let us know!

Contact WSHA

563 Carter Court, Suite B
Kimberly, WI 54316

Phone: 920-560-5642

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