DHS Seeks Applicants for State Long-Term Care Advisory Councils

17 Jan 2023 9:00 AM | Anonymous

DHS Seeks Applicants for State Long-Term Care Advisory Councils
Deadline to Apply: February 3

The Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) is seeking qualified applicants to fill vacancies on two state long-term care advisory councils. The deadline to apply is Friday, February 3, 2023. Information regarding both opportunities is below.

Long-Term Care Advisory Council (LTCAC)

The LTCAC serves as an advisory body to DHS on existing and emerging aging, disability, and long-term care systems issues. Members provide advice and make recommendations to the DHS Secretary regarding long-term care policy, programs, and services. Learn more about LTCAC.

IRIS Advisory Committee (IAC)

The IAC is a workgroup established to provide recommendations to the DHS program staff on issues related to administration of the IRIS program. IRIS (Include, Respect, I Self-Direct) is a self-directed program for adults with disabilities and elderly people. IAC members are individuals who have relevant knowledge, experience, expertise, and community relationships that allow them to present ideas, opinions, or facts for the betterment of the IRIS program. Learn more about the IAC.

How to Apply

Applications of interest to serve on these two councils can be found on the DHS website:

If you would like to request a paper application or need an accommodation or assistance with completing your application, please contact DHS Long-Term Care at 608-267-7286 or DHSDMSLTC@dhs.wisconsin.gov. Please include the name of the council to which you are applying.

Contact WSHA

563 Carter Court, Suite B
Kimberly, WI 54316

Phone: 920-560-5642
Email: WSHA@badgerbay.co

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