School Resources

ASHA Documents

ASHA has developed the attached power point designed for SLPs in schools to use in staff meetings and other places, to help others to better understand the work of SLPs in schools. If you have any suggestions to improve this presentation, please send them to

What does ESSA Mean for Special Education?

The No Child Left Behind Act is officially part of the past, and the Every Student Succeeds Act is the law of the land. So what does the new law mean for students with disabilities? READ more here.

Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Updates - March 2016

In December 2015, President Obama signed into law ESSA, replacing the No Child Left Behind Act. ESSA allows for greater flexibility for states to create their own accountability systems, academic goals, reporting, and other requirements. ESSA takes full effect during the 2017-2018 school year. ASHA is developing a member advocacy guide, which will be completed by July. The U.S. Department of Education (ED) is seeking advice and recommendations from stakeholders on what areas of the law need regulations and other non-regulatory guidance to assist in the implementation of the law. Currently, ED is working toward establishing a negotiated rulemaking committee prior to publishing proposed rules on Title 1 of ESSA, and has a request out for nominees to serve on the Committee.


The Wisconsin Speech Language Pathology and Audiology Association is pleased to provide a variety of resources that we hope will be helpful to WSHA members and consumers.

If there are additional resources you would like to see included in this section of our website, please let us know!

Consumer Protection and Universal Licensure


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563 Carter Court, Suite B
Kimberly, WI 54316

Phone: 920-560-5642

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