Event Details

Applying to Graduate School in CS&D: Q&A

  • 22 Sep 2023
  • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
  • Held Virtually


Registration is closed

This interactive presentation/Q&A will review basic components of graduate school applications in CS&D, while explaining the importance of researching each unique graduate program of interest. Audience members will steer the conversation with their questions. All welcome!

Note: This is an informal presentation/Q&A and will not be recorded.


Mianisha (Misha) Finney, PhD, CCC-SLP
UW-Madison Communication Sciences & Disorders: Teaching Faculty & Academic Advisor

Dr. Misha Finney joined the University of Wisconsin – Madison’s Department of Communicative Disorders in August 2016. Her work focuses on teaching and advising students in the undergraduate program. She is excited for any opportunity to help demystify the graduate school application process.

Disclosures – Dr. Finney is employed by UW-Madison and receives a salary. No other relevant disclosures exist.

Learning objectives:

  • Explain why researching graduate programs is important; why exploring each unique graduate program and knowing the unique requirements of each program is important.
  • Explain the purpose of a personal statement and list the three main components of a personal statement.
  • Explain the purpose of a resume and list multiple ways to organize a resume.

This event is complimentary for WSHA Student members.  Please join or log into your member profile to receive the special rate.  If your NSSLHA/SAA Chapter is an Affiliate member of WSHA students of the chapter receive free membership.  Contact WSHA@badgerbay.co (not .com) for more information.

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563 Carter Court, Suite B
Kimberly, WI 54316

Phone: 920-560-5642
Email: WSHA@badgerbay.co

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